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#B-TheFace was Mercedes-Benz Canada's largest social media campaign to that date. The contest campaign was in support of the newest B-Class models. As their most budget friendy vehicle line, Mecedes-Benz wanted to target a younger audience. To get young adults involved and talking about the new models, we encouraged participants to start a Tumblr page and post content that depicts them as one of the B-Class lifestyles: B-Seen, B-Spontaneous, B-Playful, or B-Adventurous. With so much great content pouring through all social channels, the search lastest for months. The four eventual winners were awarded a one-year B-Class lease and appointed official Mercedes-Benz brand ambassadors.

Mercedes-Benz - #B-TheFace Campaign

Role: Account Manager

Official winner's celebration, from left: Natasha Chudyk (B-Spontaneous), Jay Owen (Mercedes-Benz Canada Marketing Director), Chelsea McDermott (B-Playful), MIchelle Danese (B-Seen), Charles Ruocco (B-Adventurous)

#B-TheFace promotional party held at Toronto's Sound Academy featuring Canadian DJs Chromeo

B-Seen - Michelle Danese, a professional singer/songwriter and actress

B-Adventurous - Charles Ruocco, a Mixed Martial Arts website president and real estate enthusiast

B-Spontaneous â€“ Natasha Chudyk, established food journalist and blogger

B-Playful â€“ Chelsea McDermott, morning news anchor and radio station co-host

#B-TheFace Winners
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